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Cultivating An Unshakable Character Pdf Download

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Amir Tesla
I dearly love Jim Rohn and his style of conveying life messages. In this audio series Jim scrutinizes 12 traits of men with strong character from honesty, perseverance to health.
Not amongst Rohn's best works but still has a lot to teach you.

جيم ران واقعا اگه بهترين نباشه قطعا يكي از بهترين فيلسوف هاي زندگي موفق هست و طرز بيان فوق العاده نافذ و لذت بخشي داره:

If you change, everything will change for you.

If you want to achieve more, you have to become more.

اين سري فايل صوتي ويژگي هاي افراد دار

I dearly love Jim Rohn and his style of conveying life messages. In this audio series Jim scrutinizes 12 traits of men with strong character from honesty, perseverance to health.
Not amongst Rohn's best works but still has a lot to teach you.

جيم ران واقعا اگه بهترين نباشه قطعا يكي از بهترين فيلسوف هاي زندگي موفق هست و طرز بيان فوق العاده نافذ و لذت بخشي داره:

If you change, everything will change for you.

If you want to achieve more, you have to become more.

اين سري فايل صوتي ويژگي هاي افراد داراي كاراكتر يا شخصيت رو مي گه، از صداقت تا پشتكار و نهايتا سلامتي و تشريح مي كنه چرا اين ويژگي ها رو يك نفر كه در صدد كاميابي و كمال هست، بايد اون ها رو در خودش پرورش

بهترين اثر جيم ران نيست ولي خيلي چيزها مثل بقيه كاراش مي شه ازش ياد گرفت.

The one and only Jim Rohn. Some classic gems in this, including an anecdote about Boston Celtics great Bill Russel, and the magnificent industry of the mighty ant.

"Character is derived from the Greek word for 'chisel'… a sharp steel tool used for making a sculpture out of a hard or difficult material."

"You've got to carve your character from the raw material of your self… character isn't something you were born with."

"Class is calling on reserve energy."

"The opposite of persevera

The one and only Jim Rohn. Some classic gems in this, including an anecdote about Boston Celtics great Bill Russel, and the magnificent industry of the mighty ant.

"Character is derived from the Greek word for 'chisel'… a sharp steel tool used for making a sculpture out of a hard or difficult material."

"You've got to carve your character from the raw material of your self… character isn't something you were born with."

"Class is calling on reserve energy."

"The opposite of perseverance is procrastination… 'I'm a perfectionist.'… Do you see what's going on here? A fault is being turned into a virtue."

"Substitute real-time positive thinking for negative future visualization.
1. Break it down.
2. Write it down."

"Bill Russell was a player who wanted to take responsibility for the success or failure of his team. He wanted the weight on his shoulders in a situation…"

"When he wrote his study of American society… Tocqueville predicted that if the United States came to be ruled by a dictator, it would be someone with a well-developed sense of humor."

"It's good to begin a very serious discussion with a joke. After the moment of humor has been experienced through the joke, seriousness can reign for the balance of the meeting… Telling a joke can really reinforce your image as a serious person."

"The book you don't read isn't going to help."

"A patient man is always richer than an impatient man… because the patient man can always afford to wait. The patient man is never desperate."

"If you can only see in the short term… then you are like a man with one eye."

"Time is the greatest ally you can have."

"Parents who try to force a child's development are asking for trouble… All real prodigies developed completely according to their own time table."

"Everything comes to he who waits, but it comes sooner to he who hustles while he waits." - Thomas Edison

"Distrust in yourself breeds distrust in every person you meet."

"If you have your health, you have everything. Lose your health, and there isn't enough money in all the world to make life good or make life worth living."

"You have to lose your life in order to find it. You have to lose one way of living in order to find a different one."

"It's much easier to follow moderation in all things. That way health really is a function of character, rather than the calculator."

"You can't be too rich or too thin." - Wallis Simpson

"The people of China have absorbed wave after wave of conquering barbarians… The Chinese don't become barbarians, but the barbarians become Chinese."

"Staying healthy is the only way to get the good parts from all the parts of life. It's the way you stay strong, the way you stay interested."

"Self-possession and aplomb."

"We could all do ourselves a favor by developing the philosophy of an ant. :
** An ant always knows where it wants to go, and it keeps trying to find a way of getting there, no matter what.

** The one thing they will never do is quit. That's the ant philosophy of achievement.

** They use the present moment to create assets for themselves."

"All you need is the commitment to be ruthlessly honest with yourself."

"A bad person is simply somebody who doesn't have enough reasons to be good."

"Flexibility is strength without rigidity… resisting the temptation to think that the deck is stacked against us."

"If you're truly a confident person, your belief in yourself is strong enough so that the world itself seems safe and oriented toward your success."


Christopher Lewis Kozoriz
"For things to change for you, you've got to change." (Jim Rohn, Cultivating an Unshakable Character)

This book discusses the pillars required to develop an unshakable character. Those pillars are:

1. The Pillar of Courage
2. The Pillars of Integrity and Honesty
3. The Pillar of Perseverance
4. The Pillar of Wisdom
5. The Pillar of Responsibility
6. The Pillar of Humor
7. The Pillar of Flexibility
8. The Pillar of Patience
9. The Pillar of Confidence
10. The Pillar of Good Health
11. The Pillar of Achieveme

"For things to change for you, you've got to change." (Jim Rohn, Cultivating an Unshakable Character)

This book discusses the pillars required to develop an unshakable character. Those pillars are:

1. The Pillar of Courage
2. The Pillars of Integrity and Honesty
3. The Pillar of Perseverance
4. The Pillar of Wisdom
5. The Pillar of Responsibility
6. The Pillar of Humor
7. The Pillar of Flexibility
8. The Pillar of Patience
9. The Pillar of Confidence
10. The Pillar of Good Health
11. The Pillar of Achievement

There is an interview with Jim Rohn on the last CD of the program, in which he was asked, "What would be one of the greatest lessons, you have ever learned in your life? He said the following: "True values really count. That humans are a special creation. All of the life forms are driven by instinct and the genetic code. A goose can only fly south in the winter because he is a goose. HUMANS ARE A SPECIAL UNIQUE CREATION. WE ARE LIKE NO OTHER LIFE FORM."

One of the best personal development speakers the world has known: Jim Rohn

Mar 21, 2013 rated it it was amazing
These audio CDs in book form would have hit the spot when I was 15. I don't think many people really think about what character is, what it means and what it's for. I don't agree with all the points, but I enjoy how Jim Rohn shares his vision and on many points he's dead right. I enjoyed the narration; I enjoyed Jim Rohn's wise, grandfatherly voice. It has a great format and he has his own unique way of approaching his subjects. I've read tons of books in the self-help genre and this particular These audio CDs in book form would have hit the spot when I was 15. I don't think many people really think about what character is, what it means and what it's for. I don't agree with all the points, but I enjoy how Jim Rohn shares his vision and on many points he's dead right. I enjoyed the narration; I enjoyed Jim Rohn's wise, grandfatherly voice. It has a great format and he has his own unique way of approaching his subjects. I've read tons of books in the self-help genre and this particular one is not really about making a fortune or some new fancy 12 step recipe for success. It's about living better and being a special kind of person based on principles of character that have always been and will always be part of being human. Courage, honesty, integrity, to name a few... these are not new concepts, but sadly I think a lot of this is lacking in our current society. ...more
Samarth Agnihotri
•"When wealth is lost, nothing is lost
When health is lost, something is lost
When character is lost, everything is lost" - Mahatma Gandhi

•We all have talked a lot about character when we were growing up but never really knowing it's meaning and how to develop it.
In this book, the great entrepreneur Jim Rohn discusses 12 pillars of an unshakable character.

•He describes how we confuse charisma with character. What is courage? How to stop procrastinating? Honesty and integrity need? And many more

•"When wealth is lost, nothing is lost
When health is lost, something is lost
When character is lost, everything is lost" - Mahatma Gandhi

•We all have talked a lot about character when we were growing up but never really knowing it's meaning and how to develop it.
In this book, the great entrepreneur Jim Rohn discusses 12 pillars of an unshakable character.

•He describes how we confuse charisma with character. What is courage? How to stop procrastinating? Honesty and integrity need? And many more such important virtues of our life. Highly recommend book.

Richard Felix
Jul 20, 2019 rated it it was amazing
What can I SAY? This is the GRAND Master Teacher!!! Of Personal Character Developent, this was new to me never knew he made this VALUABLE Material, so much to take in its definitely next to other Jim Rohns TOP Priceless WISDOM, so much to learn n grow from ,learned so much n so much more to get on review again to go back into , if this had 7 stars I would rate it that much , for anyone seeking knowing mentor Jim rohn or not known to you this is valuable WISE MAN to you not a time waster definite What can I SAY? This is the GRAND Master Teacher!!! Of Personal Character Developent, this was new to me never knew he made this VALUABLE Material, so much to take in its definitely next to other Jim Rohns TOP Priceless WISDOM, so much to learn n grow from ,learned so much n so much more to get on review again to go back into , if this had 7 stars I would rate it that much , for anyone seeking knowing mentor Jim rohn or not known to you this is valuable WISE MAN to you not a time waster definitely check this material he has left , he's a master of his CRAFT ( does it effortlessly) ...more
Heidi The Reader
Jim Rohn is motivating, inspirational, and a must-read for people who are studying the art of business and success. Though I did enjoy Cultivating an Unshakable Character, I would recommend Rohn's The Art of Exceptional Living over this. It contains the majority Rohn's philosophy in an abbreviated form. This is much, much longer. Towards the end, I felt a bit overwhelmed with all of the information that was presented and I didn't experience that with Exceptional Living. Jim Rohn is motivating, inspirational, and a must-read for people who are studying the art of business and success. Though I did enjoy Cultivating an Unshakable Character, I would recommend Rohn's The Art of Exceptional Living over this. It contains the majority Rohn's philosophy in an abbreviated form. This is much, much longer. Towards the end, I felt a bit overwhelmed with all of the information that was presented and I didn't experience that with Exceptional Living. ...more
Martin Goldberg
Jim Rohn works should have their own rating scale. They're consistently THAT good. Jim Rohn works should have their own rating scale. They're consistently THAT good. ...more
Terry Koressel
I am a Jim Rohn enthusiast. What a compelling life story. Mr. Rohn grew up of modest means in rural Idaho, left college after a year, held a blue collar job, could barely make ends meet for his young family, had zero money in the bank and pennies in his pocket. Then he met a mentor (Earl Schoaff) that changed his life. He went from a negative net worth at age 25 to a millionaire by age 31. More importantly, Jim Rohn later found himself sharing his experiences, motivations and wisdom to millions I am a Jim Rohn enthusiast. What a compelling life story. Mr. Rohn grew up of modest means in rural Idaho, left college after a year, held a blue collar job, could barely make ends meet for his young family, had zero money in the bank and pennies in his pocket. Then he met a mentor (Earl Schoaff) that changed his life. He went from a negative net worth at age 25 to a millionaire by age 31. More importantly, Jim Rohn later found himself sharing his experiences, motivations and wisdom to millions through seminars, books and audio lessons. Mr. Rohn is a fervent and passionate believer in creating your own destiny....if you want to achieve success it depends on you and you alone. On the other hand, everyone has that opportunity to achieve success. Cultivating the Unshakeable Character is Jim Rohn's best program in my opinion. It can change your life. Listen to this audio CD....listen to it with your kids if they are older. It is an intelligent, wise, positive, impactful and thoroughly enjoyable lesson. I highly recommend this CD to anyone! ...more
This is a must've book/Audio tape from Jim Rohn, there is something deeply touching about Jim in the way he presents the subject. You intrinsically know that he is speaking from his heart, something true, things that matter, things that will change your life. I first learnt about Mortimer J Adler from Jim Rohn, for which, I'm eternally indebted to this great soul. Dr. Adler, showed lead me to reading Philosophy the way I've never read before, he is another great author one cannot have enough. Al This is a must've book/Audio tape from Jim Rohn, there is something deeply touching about Jim in the way he presents the subject. You intrinsically know that he is speaking from his heart, something true, things that matter, things that will change your life. I first learnt about Mortimer J Adler from Jim Rohn, for which, I'm eternally indebted to this great soul. Dr. Adler, showed lead me to reading Philosophy the way I've never read before, he is another great author one cannot have enough. All his books are a real gem and deservers a place in every readers library. Now i'm frantically searching for Victor Hermann's biography that, Jim so passionately refers to in this audio tape. Overall its a very good Audio book to listen to, to call it "motivational" would be an understatement, to me, one lead to another and I found so many gems. ...more
Badarudheen Kunnathodi
Jim Rohn talks about various characteristics/pillars that make up the Character of a person, and for each of these 12 pillars, he explains them with anecdotes and personal insights. It's a great book for entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs alike. This book is both inspirational and instructive, and worth re-reads/listenings, as it's always a good reminder for every human soul about importance of building an unshakable Character so that they can weather any storm-of-life.

12 Pillars of Character,

Jim Rohn talks about various characteristics/pillars that make up the Character of a person, and for each of these 12 pillars, he explains them with anecdotes and personal insights. It's a great book for entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs alike. This book is both inspirational and instructive, and worth re-reads/listenings, as it's always a good reminder for every human soul about importance of building an unshakable Character so that they can weather any storm-of-life.

12 Pillars of Character, the take away:
· Courage
· Integrity and Honesty
· Perseverance
· Wisdom
· Responsibility
· Humor
· Flexibility
· Patience
· Confidence
· Good Health
· Achievement
· Living Well at the Top

Pillars of Character
1. The Pillar of Courage
2. The Pillar of Integrity
3. The Pillar of Honesty
4. The Pillar of Perseverance
5. The Pillar of Wisdom
6. The Pillar of Responsibility
7. The Pillar of Humor
8. The Pillar of Flexibility
9. The Pillar of Patience
10. The Pillar of Confidence
11. The Pillar of Good Health
12. The Pillar of Achievement

Jim Rohn in his classic style describes the difference between charisma and character. Alexander the Great had a magnetic quality to his kingdom and could lead ar

Pillars of Character
1. The Pillar of Courage
2. The Pillar of Integrity
3. The Pillar of Honesty
4. The Pillar of Perseverance
5. The Pillar of Wisdom
6. The Pillar of Responsibility
7. The Pillar of Humor
8. The Pillar of Flexibility
9. The Pillar of Patience
10. The Pillar of Confidence
11. The Pillar of Good Health
12. The Pillar of Achievement

Jim Rohn in his classic style describes the difference between charisma and character. Alexander the Great had a magnetic quality to his kingdom and could lead armies into battle yet hardly anyone remembers him. Jesus Christ was born into a chiseled character and everyone on this planet remembers that he was crucified for our sins. True character is hard thats why most people choose to develop their reputation or charisma.

Jimmy Murphy
May 16, 2017 rated it it was amazing
Love Jim Rohn. His definition of a truly successful life goes far beyond monetary success and into the individual character you become in your life.

The biggest takeaway I got from this book is that success is not the dollar amount in your bank account and the age in which you retire. It is the person you became along the way, the character you've developed in the journey. That is the real value in life.

Love Jim Rohn. His definition of a truly successful life goes far beyond monetary success and into the individual character you become in your life.

The biggest takeaway I got from this book is that success is not the dollar amount in your bank account and the age in which you retire. It is the person you became along the way, the character you've developed in the journey. That is the real value in life.

Tony Rogers  Jr.
Not Jim's best work but definitely still worth a listen. He covers the 12 traits of someone with strong character some of which include: Patience, Honesty and Integrity, Humor, Perseverance, Confidence, and flexibility.
A better program from Jim would be The Challenge to Succeed 6 Cd Set that one is amazing.
Not Jim's best work but definitely still worth a listen. He covers the 12 traits of someone with strong character some of which include: Patience, Honesty and Integrity, Humor, Perseverance, Confidence, and flexibility.
A better program from Jim would be The Challenge to Succeed 6 Cd Set that one is amazing.
Bibhu Ashish
Mar 20, 2015 rated it it was amazing
If you have not reached your goal which you had set for yourself, then don't blame your luck but check if your character needs some work. This is just the stuff that great books are made of. I absolutely felt in love with this and the grand fatherly voice of Jim Ron made it more powerful. Highly recommended. If you have not reached your goal which you had set for yourself, then don't blame your luck but check if your character needs some work. This is just the stuff that great books are made of. I absolutely felt in love with this and the grand fatherly voice of Jim Ron made it more powerful. Highly recommended. ...more
Mar 18, 2017 rated it it was amazing
A must read for seasoned and aspiring leaders. He addresses the obvious, ubiquitous characteristics of great leaders, but my favorite content is that he identifies HUMOR as a key leadership trait. Overlooked, unspoken, and underrated for its place in the work environment, Rohn is on point with his attention to this quality.
Not one of my fav Jim Rohn teachings...but very powerful nevertheless , timeless life advice to create a bullet proof character which is priceless in almost every aspect of life

highly recommended

Waseem Mirza

Not one of my fav Jim Rohn teachings...but very powerful nevertheless , timeless life advice to create a bullet proof character which is priceless in almost every aspect of life

highly recommended

Waseem Mirza

Mark Manderson
Oct 01, 2015 rated it really liked it
Normally everything Mr. Rohn has put out I receive massive value. There is great info in this seminar, and it was a fantastic refresher. It was dryer than his normal info so I would suggest his other material over this one.
صفية الشحي
Feb 02, 2020 rated it it was amazing
You can't stop thinking about this ! How to handle your character, archive your goals and overcome challenges ? Put all that behind you ! And do what ever it takes to reach , and when you do , live it well ! Build an unshakable character!
Helfren Filex
Mar 18, 2020 rated it really liked it
Beautiful audiobook by Jim Rohn. Really, character exceeds that of charisma. Character is what determine a winner vs an overall non-winner. Once one find his unshakable character, the wealth will soon easily follows.
Jul 07, 2016 rated it liked it
A lot of quotes and passages from others, all with due credits but I would like some of his own Ideas but still a very useful book.
Олександр Бежан
Core principles of strong character. With examples and explanations, that tingle your emotions.
Oct 17, 2016 rated it really liked it
Like most self improvement books this one is filled with common sense advice, that isn't so common. Great advice though, the kind that everyone needs to hear. Like most self improvement books this one is filled with common sense advice, that isn't so common. Great advice though, the kind that everyone needs to hear. ...more
Mike Wenzel
Jun 09, 2017 rated it it was amazing
Excellent presentation with a fantastic premise. Character is essential for success.
Marina Momo
Sep 02, 2017 rated it it was amazing
This book is a must read for every person, it has changed my life.
Ryan Shea
Not particularly dense. My only take-away here is that telling the truth is a good long-term strategy.
Aug 08, 2019 rated it liked it
"Work harder on yourself than you do your job"
"Success is not something you do; it's what you attract by the person you become"
-Jim Rohn
"Work harder on yourself than you do your job"
"Success is not something you do; it's what you attract by the person you become"
-Jim Rohn
Paul Ivans
Emanuel James "Jim" Rohn was an American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker. His rags to riches story played a large part in his work, which influenced others in the personal development industry.

Rohn was the recipient of the 1985 National Speakers Association CPAE Award for excellence in speaking.

Emanuel James "Jim" Rohn was an American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker. His rags to riches story played a large part in his work, which influenced others in the personal development industry.

Rohn was the recipient of the 1985 National Speakers Association CPAE Award for excellence in speaking.


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